The Language of Ayurveda
Ayurveda vocabulary audio/visual reference with over 850 Sanskrit terms relating to Ayurveda. Includes 9 invocation chants, 15 verses on Ayurveda, reference tables and separate English and Sanskrit indices.
Wholesale orders only. Please contact us with your request.
by Nicolai Bachman, published by Sanskrit Sounds
Learn how to read, write and pronounce over 850 Sanskrit terms relating to Ayurveda. Includes 9 invocation chants, 15 verses on Ayurveda, reference tables and separate English and Sanskrit indices.
“The Language of Ayurveda is the soul of Ayurvedic education. Nicolai Bachman’s great effort in producing this excellent linguistic work will unfold the timeless wisdom of Ayurveda in the hearts of students.”
Dr. Vasant Lad, B.A.M.S., M.A.Sc., Ayurvedic Physician
“… an essential reference guide to Sanskrit terminology indispensable for all serious students of Ayurvedic medicine and Yoga therapy. With a well produced book and high quality audio, it provides all the necessary Sanskrit terms, their meaning and categorization, as well as explaining the prime principles of healing in the Indian tradition. It contains important mantras and chants as well.”
Dr. David Frawley (Pandit Vamadeva Shastri), author, Yoga and Ayurveda, Ayurvedic Healing

A complete description is given below.
- comprehensive
- draws from the numerous original Ayurvedic texts
- covers the vast majority of vocabulary used by Ayurvedic practitioners in the West
- chants of invocations as well as verses from original Ayurvedic texts
- audio and visual components reinforce each other
- serves as a teaching guide and reference manual
Book (144 pages, hidden wire-O binding so it lies flat)
- convenient 8″ x 6 1/2″ size
- 8 common chants of invocation, 15 verses on Ayurveda
- over 850 Sanskrit terms
- Appendices include reference tables on VPK, dhatus, tastes and more
- shows the original Devanagari Sanskrit script, transliteration and translation for everything
- two ways to quickly find a word using the indices
- locate by Sanskrit name using the Sanskrit Index
- locate by the English translation using the English Index
- Easily accessible Sanskrit Pronunciation Key in the back of the book
- Complete bibliography

MP3 Audio Tracks
Chants of Invocation
1 Gananam Tva
2 Devi Sureshvari
3 Dhanvantari Stotram
4 Shatamanam
5 Tryambakam
6 Vata A
7 Annam Brahma
8 Brahmarpanam
Verses on Ayurveda
1 Dhatus and Malas
2 Elements and their Tanmatras
3 Gunas (twenty qualities)
4 Gunas of each Dosha
5 Similars and Dissimilars
6 Samprapti
7 Sites of Vata
8 Sites of Pitta
9 Sites of Kapha
10 Subdoshas of Vata
11 Subdoshas of Pitta
12 Subdoshas of Kapha
13 Tastes
14 Tastes of each Dosha
15 Vipaka of each Taste
Origins of Ayurveda
1 Shad-Darshana
2 Sankhya Gunas
3 Purusha and Tattvas 1-4
4 Tattvas 5-9
5 Tattvas 10-14
6 Tattvas 15-19
7 Tattvas 20-24
8 Purushartha
9 Limbs of Ayurveda
10 Major Texts
11 Minor Texts
12 Upavedas
13 Vedas
The Body
1 Body Parts and Organs
2 Digestion Types (agni)
3 Doshas and Subdoshas
4 Dosha Phases
5 Energetics of Substances
6 Energy Centers (cakra)
7 Energy Channels (nadi)
8 Channel Systems (srotas)
9 Energy Points (marman)
10 Natural Urges (vega)
11 Pillars of Longevity
12 Qualities (guna)
13 Sheaths (kosha)
14 Tastes (rasa)
15 Tissues (dhatu)
16 Utilization of Food
17 Waste Materials (mala)
Examination and Treatment
1 Digestive Strength
2 Disease Causes
3 Disease Stages
4 Diseases
5 Examination – Diagnosis
6 Examination – Eightfold
7 Examination – Tenfold
8 Measurements of Size
9 Measurements of Time
10 Pain Types
11 Palliation Methods
12 Pancakarma
13 Pulse Gaits
14 Seasons
15 Symptoms
16 Treatment Methods
17 Treatments
1 Actions (karman)
2 Carriers (anupana)
3 Common Herbal Formulas
4 Food Types
5 Herbs (oshadhi)
6 Mineral Ashes (bhasma)
7 Parts of the Plant
8 Preparation Methods
9 Times to Take
1 General Terms
2 Sanskrit Alphabet Chant

For wholesale orders (5 or more), a discount of 40% is available. Please email quantity and complete address. Wholesale only ships within the USA outside of Colorado.