Sanskrit Chants of Devotion
Devotion is surrendering our individual self to something we consider greater than our self, such as another person, cause, or deity, thereby cultivating humility and faith. Honoring a deity will draw their energy into our presence. The Sanskrit sounds we chant connect us with, and bring us closer to what the deity represents. Digital download album of Chants for Unity, Peace and Service as zip file (MP3 files with PDF booklet).
Devotion is surrendering our individual self to something we consider greater than our self, such as another person, cause, or deity, thereby cultivating humility and faith. Honoring a deity will draw their energy into our presence. The Sanskrit sounds we chant connect us with, and bring us closer to what the deity represents.
Digital download album of Chants for Unity, Peace and Service as zip file (MP3 files with PDF booklet).
- Anādimadhyāntam (Omnipresence as Kṛṣṇa)
- Anādimadhyāntam (Guided)
- Karacaraṇakṛtam (Forgiveness)
- Karacaraṇakṛtam (Guided)
- Karpūragauram (Inner Divinity called Śiva)
- Karpūragauram (Guided)
- Kāyena Vacā (Result of Action Offered to Divine)
- Kāyena Vacā (Guided)
- Nainaṁ Chindanti (Elements Never Touch Divine)
- Nainaṁ Chindanti (Guided)
- Raso ‘ham (Divine as Subtle Essence of Nature)
- Raso ‘ham (Guided)
- Śivāya Gurave (Teacher Divinity called Śiva)
- Śivāya Gurave (Guided)
- Tryambakam : Mahāmṛtyuñjaya Mantra (Liberation)
- Tryambakam : Mahāmṛtyuñjaya Mantra (Guided)
- Tvameva Mātā (Divine as Everything)
- Tvameva Mātā (Guided)
- Yo Māṁ Paśyati (Omnipresent Divinity)
- Yo Māṁ Paśyati (Guided)

Digital Album of Sanskrit Chants
Each Chant Pack is an album of chants based on a theme. Most of the chants have 2 tracks, one a Sanskrit verse chanted straight through, and another guided version, so you can listen and repeat as you go through the chant, thereby learning it in more detail and knowing how to teach it to others. Each album/pack includes a printable PDF booklet with all the information about every chant in the pack.
Benefits of Chanting
Chanting can focus the mind, open the heart, stabilize emotions, clear away subtle obstructions, and connect us to the divine within. Listening and repeating a chant attentively improves our ability to listen to others, sharpens our memory skills, and provides a sound addition to our regular practice. Listening to the longer chants can become a sacred Sanskrit sound bath.
Kāyena Vacā
Nainaṁ Chindanti
Raso ‘ham
Śivāya Gurave
Tvameva Mātā
Yo Māṁ Paśyati